Bus Information
Bus Information

Our Bus Drivers
Karen Chapman (Bus 528)
Jeffrey Allen (Bus 262)
Amber Carmichael (Bus 58)
Rachel Flynn (Bus 114)
High School (Bus 505)
If you have questions about bus routes you are welcome to stop by the school office for a complete listing or call the school office at (828) 686-3856.
Meeting the Bus
1. Be at the bus stop 10 minutes before the bus is scheduled to arrive.
2. Wait until the bus has come to a complete stop and the driver has signaled you to cross in front of the bus.
3. Respect the property rights of others while waiting for the bus.
4. Do not litter or make unnecessary noise.
5. Students will board and depart the bus only at their assigned stops.
6. If you drop an object, do not attempt to retrieve the object, inform the bus driver and wait for his/her instructions.
Riding the Bus
1. Be respectful and courteous to the bus driver.
2. Remain seated when the bus is in motion.
3. Keep hands and arms inside the bus at all times.
4. Do not make unnecessary noise that would distract the driver.
5. No fighting or horse playing on the bus.
6. Do not throw any objects out of the window.
7. No eating or drinking on the bus.
8. Do not tamper with any of the safety devices on the bus (door latches, fire extinguishers, safety windows).
School Bus Disciplinary Code
Level I Violations
Eating or drinking on the bus
Failure to remain seated on the bus
Refusing to obey the driver
Excessive noise
Hands or arms out the window
Consequences May Be:
Parent Conference
Written reprimand
After school detention
Bus riding suspensions (1-3 days, parent conference mandatory)
Level II Disciplinary Code
Third level I violation
Profane language/obscene gesture
Possession and or use of tobacco, lighter, matches
Throwing object in or out of the bus
Destruction of property
Consequences May be:
Bus riding suspension (up to 5 school days, parent conference mandatory)
Out of school suspension (parent conference mandatory)
Level III Violations:
Fifth level I violation
Third level II violation
Physical assault or verbal threat directed at driver
Attempting to set fire to seat, hair, clothes, etc.
Possession and or use of illegal substances
Possession of a weapon
Consequences May be:
Bus riding suspension (up to 30 days, parent conference mandatory)
Out of school suspension (parent conference mandatory)